Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ryan's New BFF

Ryan met Elmo this past week at Libby's and was absolutly mesmorized. Although big Elmo stayed back in Canada, Libby was sooo nice to let us take baby Elmo home.

I have lots to update and fun photo's to boot from our awesome holiday trip - keep posted...

Monday, December 22, 2008

Two Wolves

This weekend we had company over for dinner and were sharing our holiday traditions. One that was shared that I would like to start next year can only be possible with your help...

Send me your favorite short story - whether it be your personal family story, holiday driven, inspirational, or humorous. With that I will create a book of 24 stories, one to be read with my family each night leading up to Christmas which means we start reading the stories on December 1st and finish on Christmas Eve. If you would like a copy of the final product let me know. For the sake of space instead of adding to my comment page, please e-mail your stories to me directly.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all my readers participate!

Love to you all and this first story was shared today at work...

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside all people. He said, “My son, the battle is between two ‘wolves’ inside us all.

”One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: “Which wolf wins?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

We finally finished decorating our tree this weekend and I know you won't believe me when I tell you that I had nothing to do with the picture above. I was hanging ornaments on the tree and glanced over at Ryan napping on the couch and discovered Bailey had joined his baby brother for a nice snuggle. Bailey has really taken to Ryan and couldn't be more gentle. Ryan holds little snack sized treats in his hand and very gingerly Bailey nuzzles each snack from his hand. I never thought it was possible but I think I love Bailey even more for the love and respect he has shown Ryan since he joined our family.

Ryan's First Christmas - 4 months old!
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Friday, December 19, 2008

So Sad

The little man had his first official "sick" visit to the Doctor today. We woke up this morning and his eye was red, swollen and half shut - poor little man. Yep it was Pink Eye and there really isn't any way to tell how he got it however the Doctor said that it is very common to spread throughout the daycare system. We were prescribed drops which we've renamed "evil" as it must burn based on the shriek Ryan let out as it hit his eye. For the record he now weighs 16 lbs, 8 oz.

We were slammed with another 5+ inches of snow again today however the temperature actually rose to the mid 20s which was nice. It seemed like we slid the entire way to Ryan's appointment and walking to the front door was no easy task as the wind whipped snow directly in my face. In an earlier posting you can see Ryan in his car carrier which has a nice fleece cover with a little window that we can close when he is exposed to the outdoor elements. Anyway he now pokes his little hand out hole if the window is closed to see what's going on however this morning he quickly retracted his hand and pulled the window closed. I think the best part of the day was when I got home to Tom plowing the driveway. A patch was clear and he gave me the green light to pull into the garage. I however veered off the clear patch and got stuck in our own driveway. Blonde party of one your table is ready... After several attempts and a good push from Tom we made it safely home and in the garage. I must say that in this weather a fashion statement is impossible to make - the most important thing is to stay warm and safe from slipping and the things that make that possible do not come with frills or bling :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

- 5 with a wind chill of 19 below - WHAT?

I can't even explain how cold it is here - perhaps if you imagined death you would be close...
Keeping a positive attitude in this weather has been a real challenge but knowing that we will be on a plane in 8 days and enjoying the company of our family makes it possible. I was trying to think back when I saw my brother Steve last and it was at my wedding three + years ago and my niece Jeni it was her wedding almost four years ago. We have so much to catch up on since we were all last together - I can't wait. I think the thing I look forward to most is for Tom and Ryan to experience a traditional "Miller" Christmas. On Christmas Eve Steve will read the story of Christ from the Bible and the kids will dress up to simulate the nativity scene - this in itself is quite entertaining. On Christmas morning Scottish Stew will be served for breakfast which is something we had as kids every year. Yes, Tom we topped it off with Ketchup - also a family tradition.
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This weekend was the Des Jardins family Holiday celebration. Tom's parents decided to leave for Florida early so his sister hosted an evening at her house. It has now been a few weeks since Ryan discovered his hands and uses them to touch and push things. His favorite is to hold the bottle while he is eating then push it away when he is full. I think he loved the tissue paper in the boxes more then the actual gifts.

This was a very long day for the little guy and I must say he was quite the trooper. He was passed around the entire time and as a result slept 6 hours straight that night - the longest stretch ever. It hasn't happened since but I am thankful for the one nights rest :)

Jeff and Bonnie have been wonderful to Ryan and very supportive throughout our entire parenthood journey. As you can see Ryan enjoying a fun new toy which he really needed. Anything with sounds, music, flashing lights and moving parts is an all time favorite.

Brad, Bri and Tom's Dad enjoying the festive evening.

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Prior to the Des Jardins family Holiday celebration we went to the Botanical Gardens and enjoyed listening to Bri (in the cute white hat) sing holiday favorites. They were absolutely amazing! In one of the songs they used two by fours in one of the songs to simulate the sound of a cracking whip. Every time they smacked the wood together Ryan would blink his eyes real hard and jump as the sound would startle him. The funny thing was that the crowd started watching Ryan and one man actually started filming Ryan's reaction. When the concert was over several people came over to tell us how cute and well behaved our little boy was - I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this isn't just a phase but his core personality.

Ryan with one of his favorite cousin Jacob at the holiday gathering.

Tom's sisters Tamera and Lori with sister-in-law Bonnie.

Bonnie with her darling daughter Katie
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Snow Day

I am so glad that I'm not working in Appleton today (a 45 minute drive south) after waking to a yard full of snow. One of our very nice neighbors plowed our driveway this morning. I think it was Ken so when he gets home from work today Ryan and I will take him a plate of cookies as a thank you. I have an appointment today at the college to meet with a counselor to discuss a few potential educational interests of mine. We have so many decisions to make so we are looking at all our options. Anyway I should get cracking on my work so we have time to take Ryan out to play in the snow - it's a beautiful :)

This past Sunday I went to a cookie exchange at Robin's. We where required to make 9 dozen cookies to exchange which I couldn't have done it without Jessie's help. We worked on the cookies Friday night and I actually fell asleep as the last batch was cooking - thank goodness Jess was here to make sure they didn't burn. The cookies are coconut macaroons and I added green food coloring and dipped them in chocolate for a little extra festive zip - they were quite yummy.

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Monday, December 8, 2008

Tom called me at work today to remind me to leave the office early today because a "huge" snow storm is headed our way. They are expecting up to 12 inches between this afternoon and tomorrow evening and the freeway gets crazy when storms hit. So anyway I went online to check the weather radar and Jason who sits in the next cubical went to show me how to get a close up on the map. He was eating his lunch at the time and I notice this plastic thing on his desk... "what is that" I asked and he explained that its a wrap for his sandwich. They come in different colors and patterns and keep his sandwich very fresh.

OK you tree huggers go check it out - it's good for the environment and you'll save on having to buy zip lock bags!
This weekend was Bri and Jacob's birthday party. Bri turned 16 and Jacob 12. Ryan loves his Aunt Bonnie and she just can't seem to get enough of him. It really means a lot that she doesn't waste a single moment to give him lots and lots of love and kisses. It's interesting that at 3 months Ryan loves lots of affection and can sense people who are not sincere…
The minute we walked in the house the girls scooped up Ryan and had so much fun playing with him. I love this because it really helps with his socialization plus Katie does such a great job and Ryan just absolutely adores her. I really think that caring for Ryan has come so naturally because of my experience with helping out with all my nieces and nephews. Don't get me wrong there are things that still make me nervous (like taking his temp)for the first time that I'm still learning but overall I'm getting the hang of motherhood. Looking back I wish I started earlier - I could totally see myself having several little ones running around the house.
Ryan is getting so strong and love's tummy time. Here he is playing with his new puppy that sings the ABC song so loud that it makes Ryan squint his eyes - it's really funny. Bonnie and Katie gave it to him last weekend when we went shopping - he loves it :)
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