Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wonderful Little Boys

Last night is one big blur. I think I slept for about thirty minutes and my little trooper Bailey was right there by my side the entire time. Bailey has been such a great big brother and both Tom and I have done our best to give him lots of love and attention. Today as I work in the office I realized he was feeling a bit blue so I made up a special feather bed next to Ryan's swing. I really hope we get this sleeping thing figured out soon otherwise I think I may loose my mind...

Ryan has been smiling for about two weeks but recognition triggered this today. I picked him up and when he saw my face a huge grin appeared on his sweet little face. Just after he was born when he heard me talk he would turn his head in the direction of my voice. I still find this to be amazing. Another noteworthy first was that Ryan rolled over just after one week old. I now keep rolled hand towels on either side of him while he sleeps so he doesn't roll himself into a corner. Like everyone has said, once Ryan arrives I wouldn't be able to imagine life without him which is absolutely the case. There are so may decisions that need to be made like bottle vs mom or nanny vs daycare but even more important is how not to totally screw up this sweet little boy. The new normal seems to be dysfunction with a capital "D". All I want for Ryan is to grow up feeling loved and to be happy and confident. I'm sure I'll want more for him as he gets older but for now it's my job to keep him safe and to remind him how lucky his Dad and I are for being blessed with such a wonderful little boy.
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Proud Momma said...

Amen to that sister! To be healthy and strong is good enough some days!
Good luck with the sleep...hopefully it gets better!

Lynne said...

So adorable!! Those first few weeks are sleepless, yet so special. You are going to have to stretch him to 4 hours at night though. Ask Jeni her tips, she has a great book.... Anyway, the jean jacket is so darling on him. It's like a little baby fashion show each week on the blog :)

Jeni said...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh bonnie. I am so sorry. I will tell you that I went to the dr today and she told me to let him cry it out cause he isn't sleeping as long as he shoudl be I guess. He is 2 months and shoudl be sleeping 6-8 hours stretch at night. so she said to start letting him cry it out to sleep. I talked to my sis in law today and she said that she let her little boy cry it out at 1 month old, so if you need the sleep just start to let him cry it out a little. even though it would be sooo hard!! Call me and talkt o me about it actually. I lost you number. BUt try to pump and make Tom feed him sometimes. you poor thing!

Slusarzyk said...

Bonnie - sounds like your transformation to "MOM" is complete. Your post warms my heart.


boldt bunch said...

Ryan is so beautiful!!! I look at your pics and actually miss the "the new mom" feelings (for a moment) what an amazing time i am so excited for you I love him already. I can't wait to see both of you hopefully soon!!! love you, and take it easy, angela